with Sabrina Piergrossi

19 - 25 JUNE 2023

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Step into a forgotten world... 


Embark upon a metaphysical adventure....

A cutting-edge shamanic transformational process, immersed in a completely unspoilt, idyllic mountain valley.

Come back home. To your Self. 

Personal expansion to hold more life, love, power, vision, purpose, essence, wholeness, trust, presence, and groundedness.



Summer Solstice
19 - 25 JUNE 2023


Val d’Otro, Piemonte, Italian Alps

We are birthing the New Earth right now, going through the intense contractions ... CAN YOU FEEL IT?!

It may feel like things are falling apart, inside us and outside of us in the world, and in a way they are - all the old structures, beliefs, realities that are now actively limiting us from being able to evolve into our truest and deepest desires of what is possible for us to be, fully in our Power and Love, are being shown to us, right in our faces, and deep in our bodies. 
This may look like depression, anxiety, despair, self-doubt, overwhelm, confusion, pain, illness, impatience, feeling blocked/stuck. Alternating (for some of us, don't worry if you're not feeling this yet or right now!) with insight, inspiration, glimpses of this amazing New Earth Reality that is emerging. It my feel like a rollercoaster!
This IS being pushed to the surface by the birthing process. We cannot ignore this. Our bodies won't allow it. 
I am here to serve as your Doula, helping you Birth the New You, the New Earth collectively and for each of us individually. 
With my New Earth Alchemy medicine, and the healing, soothing presence of the Mountain and its beings and energies, we can travel this with ease, and come home to who we truly are. 
Embody our Fullness. Our Power. Our Birthright here on this Planet at these times. 
We get to let go of what has been limiting us until now, of "Self-sabotage" (which is actually Wisdom trying to show you the stuck places to address), of the pain and suffering we have been carrying deep in our cells and DNA. 
It is Time. Now. 
Are you ready to share in the magic together? This IS the retreat of a lifetime. There will be you before the retreat, and you after the retreat. And we will help your Human with feeling safe with this change, transition and Re-Birth, so that it can integrate and digest it with ease (this is very important).
As you read this, my words are coded with activations to help your Human with any fears it may have of saying yes to this level of Freedom, if indeed it is in your highest good to attend this retreat and receive this level of transformation at this time. 

With so much love to you, I welcome you. To what is (im)possible. YOU ARE POSSIBLE! In ALL that you are. 

How will this unfold at the retreat?

We will have two group healing sessions/processes a day. A group healing session and process with me is deep transformation like you may never have experienced before. We dive into the shadow and claim the Gold that has been hiding there. We heal lifetimes of trauma (current, past life, in between lifetimes, ancestral, parallel realm), limiting beliefs, trapped emotions, subtle negative energy interference, oaths vows and contracts, errant coding in your grids and blueprints, work at the DNA level to remove, change, restructure what is needed to no longer repeat the same old realities that have been causing suffering for you. We connect you with your Avatar of your Simulation (aka version of reality) and with True Ultimate Source (the energy of creation, of all that is and connects us all) so that you can become the Conscious Creator of your reality, rather than be run by distortions in your field (which we make sure we clear up and desynchronise).
You don't need to understand how any of this works, or what it means, to benefit. Just bring your willingness to let go of what no longer serves you (even if parts of you may be scared, terrified, ambivalent - we will help these parts directly feel safe and heal).
Your human will never be "ready", but at a deep level your Soul resonates with all this and knows this is for you, Now. 

Day #1

Meet the group in Milan Malpensa Airport (MXP). 

Private group transfer ride to Alagna, the base camp of our mountain retreat. 

Dinner and overnight in boutique hotel in Alagna.

Day #2

Comfortable pace to hike the mountain to Val d'Otro. 

Opening sessions & grounding as we arrive and land.

Evening dinner in the nearby mountaintop Refugio.

Overnight in Otro.

Day #3-4

Start each day with free-flowing Qi Gong practice.

Morning and afternoon energy healing group sessions guided by Sabrina. 

Day #5

Enjoy time in each day for rest or walks in nature  some shamanically guided and some as free time on your own— to explore this stunning valley.

Closing fire ceremony and final day and night in Otro. 

Day #6

Hike down the mountain.

Final night and dinner back in boutique lodgings in Alagna. 

Day #7

Return to Milan Malpensa Airport (MXP) after breakfast.  

This is the Retreat of a Lifetime. The time is Now. 

What's Included 


From the time we pick you up at Milan airport on the 19th of June until we drop you off there on the 25th of June, your lodging, transportation and meals are all arranged. 

Retreat cost includes:

  • Transportation from Milan Malpensa Airport to Alagna (and return)
  • Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner on full days.
  • One meal on half days (Dinner on the 1st day and Breakfast on the last day).
  • Comfortable, shared lodging 
  • Group Energy Healing sessions

Available at additional cost:

  • Alcoholic beverages 
  • Travel insurance (at your own discretion)
  • Single room supplement (available on first-come, first served basis)
  • 1-on-1 session with Sabrina before or after the retreat


Imagine hiking up the hill, in the middle of a beautiful and shady forest, with an intimate group of like-minded Souls, laughing together, feeling the excitement building, already tasting the cleanest air you’ve ever breathed….

Emerging, after a 2 hour hike, into a sudden opening of the whole Valley  your breath is taken away by the mesmerising beauty of it all, previously hidden to you….

You find yourself moved, crying, relief floods your bones. 



Imagine resting deeply over the following days, and going for beautiful walks completely immersed in pure nature…feeling the close contact of the trees and birds, the refreshing mountain river bubbling by, the marmots calling (well kind of shrieking!) in the distance occasionally, the gentle lull of cow and goat bells as your background companions.

Imagine really fully receiving clear messages from the natural world around you, waking up your intuitive senses in a whole new way.

Imagine coming back to a 1600 wooden hut with a gorgeous big room with wooden floors, where we sit together in a circle, like our ancestors used to do. We start getting used to each other, feeling safe to share from the heart with this intimate group of Souls who “get it.” All that we are wanting to shift in our lives, our longing to release that self-critical and doubting voice, the heaviness on our hearts, the fear (and desire) of being fully seen and stepping up to our Purpose  finding out what that even is, perhaps.

Imagine feeling all that start to melt away, as we start to energetically release these old stories, the past traumas, without having to re-live them, without having to re-hash them. With EASE. Imagine closing your eyes and going on an inward journey to meet your Spirit Guides and Power Animals and receive the guidance and healing you most need at this time  super charged by sharing this process in our group, with our Sacred Intention, in this Sacred Valley.

Imagine feeling your body relaxing, buzzing, feeling the sweet shivers of release. Imagine feeling stronger and stronger over the coming days, as we bring back more and more parts of your Soul that are now ready to be reunited with youyour POWER.




''I'm taken back to Val d'Otro in 2018 and how this magical place cleansed my soul and with every breath I inhaled of that crispy mountain air I felt that my path felt more and more clearly ahead of me. I felt a strong connection to the mountains, and for a long time afterwards, I would connect to them in my meditations. They brought me peace. I remember that the waterfall spoke to me, and it was the most matter-of-fact experience (surprisingly, considering it was ... well... a waterfall) and the wisdom of the waterfall is something I've lived by ever since.

I was working at a minimum wage at the time and I remember scraping all my savings to afford that trip, and it was worth every cent. I returned replenished, recharged, and reconnected to me and to Her. I'm forever thankful for the impact you had on my life back then and wish you the most beautiful retreat next year. Love and blessings.''


"This is an amazing retreat. You won't forget it. The space itself is very special. If you connect with nature, especially  there's a lot you can take away from it."



''It's hard to describe a metaphysical transformation in words. But I will say that my life has a clear demarcation of a 'before' and 'after' the retreat with Sabrina in Val d'Otro. It opened a whole new trajectory of enjoyment, health, empowerment and growth in my life.''

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''I met Sabrina many years ago through Meetup in a sisterhood circle in a very difficult phase of my life. We were sitting on the floor and sharing our deepest stuff, doing healing, journeying, cards, shamanic rituals with strangers – who felt like family after half an hour. This is the gift Sabrina brings into this world, attracting people who match her and each other, who are guides and helpers and witnesses for each other on this at parts painful process of being human and returning to your truest self. And all of this never from the guru perspective, never hiding the humanness, never bypassing the hard things.

Looking back I can say that my life and myself changed to the extent I could never imagine – relationships (with myself first of all), work, interactions with this world... I am excited about what is coming next. If you feel called, come join us, if not – don’t. You know what’s right for you.''



''Sabrina has created a magical retreat in the most beautiful spot. What an incredible experience. When I look back what stands out to me most is the contrast of all the emotions. We laughed, we cried, there was moments of connection followed by stillness, intense reflection and ease, going all-in and still feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. An incredible adventure in every way... Thank you.''



Counselling Psychologist, specialised in Energy Psychology and Shamanic Healing

Sabrina is an experienced Psychologist and Energy Healer, working with adults who are overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, depression and "dis-ease", and who know there must be more to life! 

She helps you to heal and release layers of traumas and limiting beliefs in the way of your full potential, so that you can become your most empowered, joyful and abundant YOU! 


This retreat will sell out. Only 5 spots available. Open to all genders.



  • Immediately reserve your spot in this intimate group.
  • Remainder payment owed will be £1667



  • Already paid your deposit? Pay the remaining owed by 1 June.



  • Make a one-time payment for the retreat in full 
  • Available as long as spots open


Due to the exclusive nature of the retreat venues, no refunds will be issued.
Thank you for understanding. 

Want more info?   

Watch the full 30-minute interview with Sabrina about this retreat. Or, reach out by email to schedule an informational call to see if you are a good fit. 

Email Sabrina for Informational Call
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